Parrot hand puppets by Yaroslava Troynich from Bibabopuppets

Studio Vrouw Wolle Kapelstraat 81, Essen, Antwerpen, Belgium

Let’s dive in to the jungle of 3D felting! In this 2-day felting workshop you will make a very unique and colourful parrot hand puppet of your choice. It is the best way to learn 3D wet felting - birds and animals never disappoint and there are lots of techniques and materials to try. It […]


Extra dates! Felt and the Found Object object By Anita Larkin Johnson

Studio Vrouw Wolle Kapelstraat 81, Essen, Antwerpen, Belgium

Anita will lead students in learning practical ways of making sculptural assemblages from their found objects. Students will use effective hand-tool methods, cutting, modelling, screwing, wiring, and riveting things together, as they look at ways that narrative can evolve from joining disparate objects together. Skills in using the Dremel and modelling materials to make seamless […]


Extra dates! Felt and the Found Object object By Anita Larkin Johnson

Studio Vrouw Wolle Kapelstraat 81, Essen, Antwerpen, Belgium

Anita will lead students in learning practical ways of making sculptural assemblages from their found objects. Students will use effective hand-tool methods, cutting, modelling, screwing, wiring, and riveting things together, as they look at ways that narrative can evolve from joining disparate objects together. Skills in using the Dremel and modelling materials to make seamless […]


Extra datums! Felt as Substance By Anita Larkin Johnson

Studio Vrouw Wolle Kapelstraat 81, Essen, Antwerpen, Belgium

This workshop explores looking at wool fibres and felt from the point of view of being a substance for sculpture that can interact with other substances and build upon itself similar to clay. Learn the skill of skin-felting to make hollow sculptural felt forms directly by hand without the use of a plastic resist. This […]


Greetings from discworld by Charlotte Semisch

Studio Vrouw Wolle Kapelstraat 81, Essen, Antwerpen, Belgium

This class is about to create three dimensional Objects such as hats , spheres or bowls, consisting of layered chambers. Those are centeredand describe the inner space symmetrically or asymmetrically by means of structured walls.

Depth of Surface: Patterning, Fabric Fusion & Machine Stitching by Lisa Klakulak

Studio Vrouw Wolle Kapelstraat 81, Essen, Antwerpen, Belgium

Participants will explore the variables in the wet felting process of coercing wool fibers through fabrics of various structures, fiber types, densities and surface design to develop unique surface texture and design modifications. Additionally, shapes cut from sheets of felt that have been partially felted to different levels of integrity will be used to create […]

Resist-based Pendants: Hollow Forms, Dimensional Surfaces & Object Encasement By Lisa Klalulak

Studio Vrouw Wolle Kapelstraat 81, Essen, Antwerpen, Belgium

Participants will explore 3D techniques for creating unique small scale pendants with hanging bails using 2D template resists. Learn to encase durable objects to add color, texture, material complexity and conceptual relevancy in your work. By simply wrapping fiber around an object, one doesn’t provide ample space for the fibers to felt and therefore one […]