Please use the form below to contact any of the IFA officers or the Discovering Feltmaking coordinator. Select the person you wish to contact on the drop-down list on the form. Please be aware that we are all volunteers so responses might not be immediate.
Members wishing to contact Regional Coordinators can do so from this link. You will need to login to see these.
Committee Contacts
- Chair, Chris Liszak
- Vice Chair, Androulla Jefferies
- Treasurer, Margaret Chalmers
- Secretary, Belinda Delany
- Membership Secretary, Natalie Lyons
- International Officer, Ariane Mariane
- Education Officer, Louise Curnin
- Publicity Officer, Nadia Rein
- Communications Officer, Julia Royzrakh
- Advertising Officer, Sarah Waters
- Felt Matter Editor, Moira Simpson
- DF Coordinator, Helene Dooley