The IFA has 18 regions around the world, each with its own coordinator or representative.
Region 1 | Devon and Cornwall
Region 2 | Dorset, Hampshire and Isle of Wight
Region 3 | Surrey, East & West Sussex & Kent
Region 4 | London, All Postcodes inc Middlesex
Region 5 | Herts, Beds, Bucks & Berks
Region 6 | Avon, Somerset, Wilts, Glos & Oxon
Region 7 | Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk & Cambs
Region 8 | Lincs, Notts, Leics & Derby
Region 9 | W Mids, Staffs, Warks, Northants
Region 10 | Yorkshire, Durham & Northumberland
Region 11 | Lancs, Cheshire, Gwynedd, Salop & Cumbria
Region 12 | Powys, Hereford, Worcs, Gwent, Dyfed & Glam
Region 13 | Scotland
Region 14 | Northern Ireland and Eire
Region 15 | Europe inc Russia and Turkey
Region 17 | Australia and New Zealand & Asia
Region 18 | Americas
Get in touch
For more details of who your Regional Coordinators or Country Representatives are and how to contact them, just log into your account.