Earlier in 2021, the International Feltmakers Association commissioned Canadian feltmaker, Fiona Duthie, to make a video presentation for our members for our AGM. The result was her project: Creative Sparks.

In her own words, this is what happened:
“Members really enjoyed the project and pieces started appearing all over social media as people engaged with the process. This prompted the idea of collecting as many of the finished works as possible to show them as they might be mounted in an exhibition. Perfect for this project where each tile is unique in each set, but the tiles all work together very well. And each individual’s work based on the same creative prompts is also unique, and together they create a beautiful tapestry of colour and abstract design. It has been a fabulous community-based project. We had 94 pieces submitted for inclusion in the collection…they are all treasures!”
We are delighted to be able to share her video and more details of the project with you: https://www.fionaduthie.com/creative-sparks-international-feltmakers-association-project/