International felt exhibitions on a larger scale are not so common. So we can be all the more pleased that two exhibitions opened on Sunday at one museum, at the Museum de Kantfabriek, in Horst in the Netherlands.
The first exhibition titled “Vilt Veelzijdig” – “Versatile Felt” is organised by the German-speaking felt association Filznetzwerk. It shows feltart by 36 artists from 6 different countries (Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Russia, Estonia and Finland). The exhibition gives an overview over their high-quality works and all the artistic and technical possibilities that the material “wool” offers.
Originally, this exhibition with the title “Felt shapes space” was shown at the Max Berk Textile Collection in Heidelberg, Germany, from 24 March to 28 July 2024. However, the hanging at Museum de Kantfabriek offers new and exciting insights in two large rooms with special light and shadow conditions as well as large red and yellow panels.
The works deal with the theme of “space” in very different ways. The variety ranges from large-scale, expansive sculptures and tapestries to multi-part and smaller works. The term “space” is interpreted in very different ways: For example, travel impressions and experiences as well as experiences of one’s own personal living space and emotional world are processed.
As the works encourage visitors to touch them using different textiles, the tactile samples on display offer an additional sensory experience for visitors.
On the other hand, the joint project “Corals” is exhibited in the second room. It was created in 2021 by more than 300 members of the Dutch Viltkontaktgroep (VKG). The felt artists responded to the call and felted a piece of coral. They draw attention to the destruction of corals due to climate change. The variety of shapes, structures, colours and techniques is unique and extraordinary and can be admired on six panels.
Anyone who can take a trip to the attractive town of Horst near Venlo and the German-Dutch border should do so and visit the top-class exhibition. The permanent collection of the museum is also well worth seeing and provides a vivid overview of the textile industry in North Limburg over the last century. The museum is open Tuesday to Sunday from 13:00 – 17:00. The felt exhibitions are on display until 29 December 2024.
Article by Silke Koch, Region 15 - Europe