Felt Hat Masterclass with Zsofia Marx from The Netherlands

Redhill, UK The venue is close to Redhill mainline station - with direct access to London and Brighton. There is also a Travelodge close to the venue and station., United Kingdom

This internationally renown master hatmaker will be teaching a face to face class. Included in the workshop price is access to Zsofia’s on-line Zoom Hat Masterclass for three months. Zsofia will take you through the process of making your resist and hat shape, then assist in shaping and fitting your hat once you have completed […]


Felt Hat Masterclass with Zsofia Marx

West Central, 3 London Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH11LY, UK 3 London Road, Redhill, Surrey, United Kingdom

SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate to Advanced (a knowledge of wet felt making is essential). This internationally renown master hat maker will be teaching a face-to-face class. Included in the workshop price is access to Zsofia's on-line Zoom Hat Masterclass for 3 months. Zsofia will take you through the process of making your resist and hat shape, […]


Felted Pebble Jewellery workshop

West Central, 3 London Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH11LY, UK 3 London Road, Redhill, Surrey, United Kingdom

Three day workshop - or option of single day class - making felted pebble jewellery with baribo ( Anikó Boros) from Hungary. A unique opportunity to take a face to face class with this talented feltmaker and tutor. Day 1 Ring and Brooch. Day 2 Necklace. Day 3 Earrings.

£120 – £300