Many feltmakers around the world have been inspired by Fiona Duthie’s video to make your own ‘Creative Sparks’ pieces.
Fiona has been delighted by this truly international response, and has offered to host a virtual exhibition of your work, which will also be featured on the International Feltmakers Association website. The video/montage, made by Fiona, will go live on both the IFA’s website and on Fiona’s website on September 1st 2021.
She has also generously offered her time to hold a talk and Q&A session about this project, to be held at 5pm (UK time) on Sunday, 27th June.
Places are limited and allocated on a first come, first served basis.
To book a place, please email Natalie . The session will be live-streamed via Facebook and recorded too, so the video can be seen by those unable to make the session or live in different time zones.
The talk and Q&A will last approximately an hour and will be followed by one or two 20-minute breakout rooms where you can show your ‘Creative Sparks’ to each other and compare notes.