You are currently viewing Felting together again in Appeltern, the Netherlands

Last weekend, I attended the celebration of the 30th birthday of the Dutch Feltmakers Group, the ViltKontaktgroep, from the Netherlands.
We organized 2 days, full of workshops and enough time to have a chat.
The workshops were related to Nature and Sustainability. All members were invited to felt a piece, with Coral as the theme. This resulted in several beautiful panels.
I attended the workshop run by Saar Snoek. She taught us how to make structured felt, looking like animal skins. Maybe you remember Saar Snoek? She featured in our journal, Felt Matters…it was in the 2020 summer issue. Saar showed us different ways to make felt with interesting structures. The picture is of what I made during the day.
It was good fun to meet other feltmakers again, after so many months of only seeing them online.

Should you want so see more pictures of this jubilee weekend, you can have a look at the website:

Article by Henny van Tussenbroek IFA region 15 Europe, inc Russia and Turkey