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“Discovery through Felt ”( 1/2) Sculptural Felting Workshop MARJOLEIN DALLINGA
9th May 2024 - 15th May 2024

Join the trainer MARJOLEIN DALLINGA, from May 09 to May 15 2024 for a 7 days spring residence in the south of France : a manual wool felt session in two parts.
You don’t create art, it already exist, you have to let it come to you, going where art is instead of you creating it, Take action based on your excitement, with no attachment to the outcome
It is from the dance of conflicting emotions that creativity and art are born. Though sculpture is usually perceived as static I see it more as movement, the movement of wool from fibers into felt.
And as long as there is movement there is life.
This 6-day workshop is a discovery journey filled with many experiences of modeling different wools and other fibers. We will explore different techniques for sculptural form ideas, with themes like: folding and unfolding, building relief, clamping and binding. All to become more aware of how and why we want to use this medium. This workshop is inspired by the idea that we have to allow ourselves to discover new ways of creating with wool. Let the wool make you feel things, and then decide if it is any good.