Artwork 1: My Piece of Paradise
I have used many colours and shapes to create this piece. It is something I have made during our time of self-isolation when I was dreaming of the travels to come when we could return to the world as we knew it. I was viewing my memories of the times gone by as a child looking through a kaleidoscope of ever-changing patterns and colours. 

Materials and Techniques
Felt collage with machine sewing embellishment. Merino wool and merino pre-felt. 

Artwork 2: Albion
Memories of the Lake District and the Cotswolds with all the field and crops and little cottages. These are all fragmented into geometric shapes like shards of coloured glass all fitting together and yet not. 

Materials and Techniques
Felt collage with machine sewing embellishment. Merino wool and merino pre-felt. 

Click each image below to enlarge the artwork