Title: Shattered
I want this piece to reflect the experience of medical staff and carers during the COVID-19 Pandemic. My piece illustrates both the physical and psychological sense of the word Shattered. It shows the physical exhaustion of medical and care workers as they work long hours to care for patients. It demonstrates the conflict between all their many roles in this Pandemic. The roles of caregiver, parent, child, loved one and fragile human being. The kaleidoscope effect of the picture also shows the shattered and fragmented effect on the mental health of medics and caregivers. As a former nurse, I know that you strive to care for every patient who comes your way. To protect them, reassure them, to do your absolute best to heal them but if you can't do that to provide them with the utmost comfort and dignity at the time of their death. You undertake to also support their family and to know that you did your job to the absolute best of your ability. To be faced with the numbers of people who you can't help and to be restricted so significantly in your care of people is something no medical or care staff could be prepared for. The effects of what they have had to face will have long-lasting effects on their mental health and it will take time to heal the shattered emotions resulting from this Pandemic.
Materials and Techniques:
Needle felted onto hand-dyed vintage blanket
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