Title: Interconnected through COVID
Through having been in lockdown due to COVID, we have all been communicating in new and different ways with our family and friends. We have used digital platforms to stay in touch, where there is a constant mixing and remixing of people’s images. The way the images move around reminds me of a kaleidoscope. Additionally, we have all been through a kaleidoscope of emotions and are rearranged, reassembled and different as a result.

This work was made as one piece, then divided in the felting process to signify the sedation that we are experiencing, then reassembled at the installation in new and different ways. The red lines and dark, brooding shapes represent COVID, whilst each small piece represents the remixed group in the kaleidoscope. I am grateful to Fiona Duthie for learning the felt, paper, ink techniques on her online course in 2019.

Materials and Techniques:

Merino wool, kozo paper, textiles, waxed silk thread, e-sumi ink, felting, stitch, drawing

Click each image below to enlarge artwork